We are interview experts.

Companies hire TEAM 20/60 to get global market insights.

Strategy /
Market Entry /
Market Sounding

TEAM 20/60 supports companies and consultancies with customized in-depth research for market entry activities and strategic decisions. We contribute to our clients' success by providing them with new market insights and often unexpected knowledge and information. We help our clients to better understand B2B customer needs and market dynamics.


Mergers & Acquisitions

TEAM 20/60 supports consultancies and investors on corporate due diligence projects. We arrange and conduct telephone interviews with various market participants in leading positions to get primary information on market trends, customer key purchasing criteria, and opinions on the target and other market players. We provide our customers with client-ready data and quotes to be included in final reports.

Global capacity.

TEAM 20/60 is an interview expert company based in Munich, Germany with the mission to support our clients with market insights. We help to evaluate market dynamics, business models, and competitive environments on a global scale.


On demand interview support

We are specialised in providing in-depth B2B cold calling interviews with day-to-day decision makers on mid management level like heads of sales, heads of procurement or technical decision makers.

Leading in its field

We supported 800+ commercial due diligence, market entry, and growth strategy projects since the company started in 2014.


Our customers are top-tier consultancies, audit companies, M&A boutiques, PE funds and other companies that require business intelligence.

Interested in hiring us? Get in touch.